Kildonan Sponge Hockey League Winter Rules & Info 2024-2025
Due to the new management at Melrose and their insistence on keeping the community club a family environment, and as a way to crack down on verbal abuse towards referees and league executives, these new rules will be enforced by the referees and the league.
1. If a player uses profanity towards a referee AFTER a penalty is called, an additional 3 minute unsportsmanlike conduct penalty will be called.
If the profanity is directed at the referee in a way that the referee feels threatened, intimidated or disrespected, the player will receive the original penalty, the unsportsmanlike conduct penalty AND a game misconduct.
The referee will request the game card to mark the offender’s name. The team must provide the game card immediately or the game will be forfeited.
Per league rules, game misconducts are the remainder of that game PLUS your next game.
First offence is a 10 game suspension. Second offence is a lifetime ban from the league.
Referees and league executives can still be approached and spoken to inside the club only if the conversation is civil.
Choose your words and tone wisely!
These new rules were agreed upon by all the referees and the league and will be strictly enforced
Slight Rule changes for 2024-25
If a team LEADING the game by 4 goals or less and not shorthanded in the final 5 minutes ices the puck the first one is a warning still but we will stop the clock…each icing after the warning will be a 3 minute minor penalty
The 10 second “Ragging the puck” rule will now be a delay of game penalty will no warning now…see the rule on the rules page below
Revised in 2024-25- No slapshots, slap passes or fake slap shots allowed by male players in co-ed games only. They may draw their sticks back as far as their knees for a “snap shot”. First offence per team per game- warning, and face off in offending team’s zone. All other offences- minor penalty.
Entry fee is $1150.00 per team plus ref fees. Teams paid in full by December 13th will get a $50.00 discount (pay only $1100.00)
Teams are responsible for paying referees before the start of each game (cash only for refs please). Women’s, Coed & Men’s teams pay $15.00 each team.
Budget for a minimum of 17 games and maximum of 22 games (depending on how far you go in the playoffs)
Minimum $400.00 deposit required by no later than November 13th guarantees your spot in the league as long as a total of a minimum of $800.00 deposit is paid by December 1st We accept Cash or Cheques (payable to “Kildonan Sports”) or etransfer to
If paid in full by December 13th you pay only $1100.00 ($1150.00 after) Teams not paid in full by January 1st will be taken off the schedule.
The season will start when the ice is ready (hopefully the week starting Monday, December 2nd) and run until early February when our playoff weekend wraps up the season. Teams will play 14 games plus minimum 3 playoff games guaranteed (all teams make playoffs).
Women’s - all games on Sundays but will offer some Friday night games for those interested (if enough interest)
Coed games teams have choice of playing Saturdays Only or Mondays and/or Wednesdays
Men’s have choice of playing Saturday, Sunday, Tuesdays or Thursdays. NO men’s divisions are offered on Mondays or Wednesdays
Christmas Holidays…no games ONLY on these days..…
Tuesday, December 24
Wednesday, December 25
Thursday, December 26
Tuesday, December 31
Wednesday, January 1
Teams that normally play on these days be prepared to play on your off nights during that 2 week span
The playoff weekends for 2024-2025 season will be as follows:
February 7th – 9th for Mens & Womens, as teams will be playing Friday, Saturday & Sunday the first weekend and Men’s teams advancing to second weekend of February 14th- 16th on Sunday February 16th after all coed games are done
Coed playoffs and Men’s finals will be February 14th- 16th with the snow out date of February 21st- 23rd
Coed can be pushed back to that weekend if all Men’s and Women’s games can’t be completed on February 7th- 9th Please keep these ENTIRE weekends available, as teams will be playing Friday, Saturday & Sunday
In the event of bad weather- excessive wind chills, cold weather, or snow team all players can call the league game day conditions line at (204) 654-2255 for updates. If you need to leave a message for the league you may also call (204) 654-2255. The league will not be calling teams to postpone games. The league will notify captains when the makeup games will be played. You may have to play makeup games in an alternate time slot from your regular games. In the unlikely event games are postponed late in the season and can not be made up, team will be refunded $10.00 per game (plus teams save on ref fees from any games not made up) and awarded a win in a standings. It has only happened once in League history that some games were not made up.
Women’s -all games on Sundays but team can play some Fridays if enough interest
Coed games teams have choice of playing Saturdays Only or Mondays and/or Wednesdays
Men’s have choice of playing Saturday, Sunday, Tuesdays or Thursdays. NO men’s divisions are offered on Mondays or Wednesdays
Christmas Holidays…no games ONLY on these days..…
Sunday, December 24
Monday, December 25
Tuesday, December 26
Sunday, December 31
Monday, January 1
Teams that normally play on these days be prepared to play on your off nights during that 2 week span
ALL DIVISIONS ARE LIMITED and are a First come basis with deposits secured, especially the Weekday divisions
Equipment- all players must wear CSA approved hockey helmets. Goaltenders must wear CSA approved hockey Goal Masks or hockey helmets. It is NOT up to the refs to check helmets before players step on the ice. If a player is on the ice, once the game starts, without a LEGAL hockey helmet, whether the play is going on or not, and is noticed by the ref, the player will be assessed a 3 minute minor penalty and will not be able to play until he/she puts on a proper helmet
NO ALCOHOL at the rinks or on their premises- Any teams caught will be suspended from League for 2 weeks and fined $50- to be paid directly to the Community Center. Please advise all team mates and don’t let one “bad apple” spoils things for your team.
PLEASE use garbage cans- The clubs will be supplying garbage can in player’s boxes and dressing rooms
When Community Center staff is cleaning rinks, please stay off the ice until the staff and their equipment is right off the ice.
Staff will STOP cleaning the ice if players step on the ice before they are done. If they are flooding the rink in between your games, you may stay in your player’s box until the staff has left the rink.
Please vacate your dressing rooms with 15 minutes of game’s completion
All players must sign roster. Rosters due on or before December 23rd. The addition/deletion roster with player changes is due in on or before January 4th
To play playoffs player must play in a minimum of 5 regular season games. Players must have picture I.D. (driver's license, etc) with them at all times to show on request. Any team playing with an illegal player or players in regular season will forfeit that game, in playoffs team will be disqualified for remainder of the playoffs.
To play in playoffs- position players must play at least 5 games for each team to play for them in playoffs. Goalies must play at least 3 games for each team to play for them in playoffs In playoffs, if more than one of your teams is playing at the same time, you must pick a team as we cannot guarantee games won’t conflict. Players may play co-ed and men’s/women’s and in playoffs these games are guaranteed not to conflict. In the event of a team WINNING a game by default. All rostered players will get credit for a game play. If a team LOSES by default, or is it a NO SHOW, NO players get credit for a game played. If a team forfeits with not enough players to ice a team, only players AT that game will get credit for game played. We may make “medical exemptions” on a per case basis to allow players with less than 5 games be allowed to play in the playoffs- see Bobby J for details
Men's- 5 Man plus a goaltender. Women's- 5 Women plus a goaltender,
Co-ed- 3 men, 2 women plus a goaltender (male or female).
You can start a game with a minimum of 4 players plus a goaltender. In co-ed maximum 3 male players plus goaltender on the ice at any one time, you may, however play with more female players than male players if desired (maximum 5 players plus goaltender)
If team hasn't enough players at scheduled game time, 1 goal for every 2 minutes will be awarded, and that time will be deducted from the game. If team still can't ice a team after 10 minutes it is considered a defaulted game. If your goaltender isn’t ready at game time, you can wait for him/her to get there, taking the goals against penalty/s as stated above or designates a goalie. If your goaltender isn't coming, and you have no equipment, have a player act as the goaltender. The acting goalie must remain the same player for the entire game, or until a goaltender with equipment shows up. If goaltender shows up late, NO WARM UPS allowed. (See other rules for goaltenders rules) You must have an acting goaltender for the entire game (except the final 5 minutes of the second half)
All games 2-20 minute periods, running time. The final 2 minutes of the second half will be stop time. All ties remain a tie in regular season. In playoffs, a 5 minute sudden death period, if still tied, a shootout, using the current NHL rules with 3 shooters (in coed- male, female, male). In regular season team get 2 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, 0 points for a loss,
Mercy Rule- if a team is leading by 7 or more goals with 5 or less minutes left, the time will be reduced to 2 minutes running time. Once mercy rule is enforced, it will stay in effect for remainder of the game, even if the losing team scores to make it less than a 7-goal margin. If a team is losing by 7 or more goals they can “concede” the game any time in the final 10 minutes of the second half
In the event of excessive wind chill we will NOT cancel games...we may shorten games to 17 minute halves or 15 minute halves for the safety of players, goalies and refs. If we shorten games you may go warm up in between games for you have 2 games that day.
-Wind Chill is 32c to -38c- ............refs will ask teams if they want to shorten game to 17 minute halves..if ONE team says is YES
-Wind Chill is 39c to -41c...........automatic 17 minute halves
-Wind Chill is -42 and higher........automatic 15 minute halves
Refs still paid full fees (consider it "danger" pay)
For All games- INCLUDING Women’s games now- no line changes on whistles, except when penalties are called or goals are scored. Teams must “change on the fly” This helps keep the flow of the game going, since it is running time.
Will count as a 7-0 loss. Team that defaults must pay BOTH teams portion of ref fees.
Teams must have one set of matching jerseys (same colour, doesn't have to be same style, example a blue team can wear Toronto or Edmonton away colours, as long as they are the same colour. If two teams wear same colours the away team must wear alternate colours (we will list the teams with their colours with the schedules so you have plenty of time to arrange for spare jerseys, in this situation, if one team is all blue, the conflicting team, if they have to can wear every colour but blue, but try your best to get the same colours for all your team.)
Sportsmanship, penalties, game ejections & suspensions-
If a player is “chirping” an opponent and the ref hears it, the offending TEAM will get ONE warning. After the warning, any more “chirping” will result in a 3 minute unsportsmanlike penalty
Any player heard making threats, racial or homophobic slurs will receive a 3 minute penalty – NO WARNINGS (served by a team mate) and an automatic game ejection and minimum 1 game suspension (more, if a repeat offender) If a player is ejected let them know NOT to play the next game and the League will notify the Captain if any further suspension will be issued
Before the game refs will get team captains together to introduce yourselves. (Similar to a “ground rules” meeting before a game of slopitch. Team captains will be who talks to the ref about concerns throughout a game and vice versa.
In women’s, they will all meet again at half time to discuss any concerns
The refs also have full authority to call a game AT ANY TIME if he feels it is about to get out of hand
PLEASE NOTE- it is up to all players and captains to let all ALL players be aware of all rules.
If a player is kicked out of a game they are AUTOMATICALLY suspended for minimum 1 game (one game that the team plays) so if a player is kicked out let them know NOT to play the next game
Any team that has a suspended player on the bench or plays will forfeit the game and the player will still be suspended
It is up to all teams to check suspension page on the web site daily
SELF POLICING- if you have a “bad apple” or two on your team, you SURELY must know who they are. If you see a player on your team getting out of hand, please settle the player down or ask them to leave. We suggest having “team” penalties or fines in place for team mates getting out of hand. If teams control their “bad apples” is will go a long way in making for a fun, clean game
Although probably 95% of the players in our League show good sportsmanship, there are a few “bad apples” that make games less pleasant (with verbal abuse or “dirty play”) for other players as well as officials.
Reffing Spongee can be very hard, especially if the players are playing “dirty” or verbally abusive. The refs are doing their best out there but some players make it VERY difficult for them. The League supports our officials and their decisions 100%.
Refs have been instructed to call EVERYTHING. No one is wearing full equipment so it can be very dangerous on the ice. Even the slightest “hack” on the shins can hurt, which may lead to retaliation. Please tell your players to play clean and this will make games a lot more smooth and enjoyable for all.
Verbal abuse toward other players and Officials WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.
The League reserves the right to suspend any player or team that we feel is detrimental to the game of Sponge Hockey due to verbal abuse of League officials or opposing players or for excessive rough play. If we suspend a team the will be taken off the schedule for the remainder of the season and a pro-rated refund of League fees MAY be applied.
Most players are excellent so we do not want to ruin the fun of the game with few “bad apples”. Refs are now instructed to crack down on the verbal abuse, which many times leads to chippy play.
We will have zero tolerance to any player uttering threats. If the ref hears a player threaten violence or challenge a player to a fight, they will be assessed a 3 minute penalty and an automatic GAME EJECTION. Refs have full authority to give game ejections to players on both teams if they appear to be “chirping” too much in a negative way or are getting too physical. Players can be written up are any altercations (with other players or officials) that happen ANYWHERE on the premises of any facility that hosts our league (this includes parking lots, lobby or dressing rooms) Once the game is over please “leave it on the rink”
Game Ejections- Player/s involved have 3 minutes to leave the rink area after leaving the ice. First the visiting team's player/s will be escorted off the ice to they can get their personal belongings from their bench, if necessary, then once they leave the rink area. The home team's player/s will do the same. Remember, the game clock is still running, so the quicker you have your players leave, the less it will cut into your playing time. The ref may add a delay of game penalty or CALL THE GAME after 3 minutes if they feel the player is intentionally taking too much time to leave the rink area. Any player/s not abiding by these procedures will face possible lifetime ban from league and community centre, and/or criminal charges if the situation warrants
Suspensions- First game ejection- AUTOMATIC minimum 1 game suspension- Second game ejection- same season- minimum 3 game suspension- Third game ejection- same season- minimum 5 game suspension- NO APPEALS
Any player, fans, team reps suspended from one team (that does, or wants to play on another team) cannot play on any other team in the league while suspension is on. The league will contact team captain with severity of the suspension. Any person suspended may be banned from community center premises, including parking lot, 1/2 hour before, during, and 1/2 hour after all league events while suspended. The league will provide suspended player with all dates and times of league functions upon request. If a suspended person shows up at the rinks their team team will be suspended from further play and no refunds given
Any player threatening a ref or challenging a ref to fight will be suspended indefinitely
Penalties- All faceoffs when a penalty is called will go in the defensive zone of the team taking the penalty, except when there are coincidental penalties, then faceoff is at closest faceoff circle
Penalties-All basic hockey penalties as per the CAHA rulebook will apply, with the following exceptions:
Penalties- if a team scores during a “Delayed penalty” the penalized team WILL still take a penalty after the goal is scored
If a team is assessed 5 penalties in a game (including coincidental minors) Penalty shots will be awarded IN ADDITION to each penalty assessed (excluding coincidental penalties) from the 6th penalty on. Any player may take the penalty shot. After the penalty shot, whether a goal was scored or not, the face off will be in the offending teams zone and the penalty will then start at the drop of the puck.
Coincidental penalties- teams will play with the same number of players before penalties occurred Players serving coincidental will do so in their own player’s boxes.
All minor penalties 3 minutes in duration from the drop of the puck after the penalty is called, with penalty being served in its entirety no matter how many goals opposing team scores. If the 3 minutes expires during a stoppage in play, the player can not return to the ice until the drop of the puck.
Minor penalties- tripping, hooking, interference, unsportmanlike conduct, minor slashing, minor cross-checking, minor roughing, minor body contact, intentionally moving your net to stop a scoring chance or instigating rough play
Delay of game-this includes shooting the puck directly over the fencing or over (not in) the player's box (intentionally or not) from inside the defensive zone
Any rinks with no fencing around boards, there is no penalty for unintentionally shooting puck over boards only, but if puck clears the boards at or over the height of the top of the fencing this will also be a penalty
Intentionally knocking net out of position is a penalty and a goal may be awarded if referee feels intentionally moving the net (by goalie or defending player) prevented a goal (then no penalty is called only a goal is awarded)
If the net is unintentionally moved during a scramble or play around the net the play will be whistled down. If the play is not near the goal or heading up the ice, the net will be put in place by a ref or player/ goalie to keep the play going
High sticking- each team allowed one warning, then if player's stick comes in contact with the puck over the height of the crossbar, or player swings or carries stick recklessly ) a minor penalty is called. NEW- if attempting to knock down a puck higher than the crossbar with your stick and no contact is made with puck or opponent it is no longer a penalty, warning or whistle.
GRABBING THE JERSEY- 3 minute minor penalty
Anyone caught grabbing an opponent’s jersey/jacket even for the slightest moment will be assessed a 3-minute minor penalty
There is absolutely no reason to grab an opponent’s jersey/jacket as this is done to usually to throw a player slightly off balance without drawing a penalty. Well now it will be a penalty
Diving- any player that leaves their feet deliberately (in referee’s judgement), and in an attempt to play the puck, whether offending player has contact with the puck or not, and trips opposing player. He/she will be assessed a minor penalty if referee feels it was accidental, and a major penalty if deliberate. A player may dive to block passes & shots if no one is tripped. If someone falls down accidentally (in ref’s judgement) and someone falls over them, this is NOT a penalty
Major Penalties- are 6 minutes in duration with from drop of the puck after penalty is called, with penalty being served in its entirety no matter how many goals are scored. Players receiving major penalties will automatically be ejected from game and suspended (see suspensions) a player on the ice at the time of penalty must serve penalty. Exception- coincidental penalties- the players are ejected and no one has to serve the penalties. Anyone ejected from a game has 2 minutes to leave rink area or face the possibility of a lifetime ban from the league a team defaulting the game.
Major Penalties can be given out for excessive slashing, crosschecking, roughing, body contact, boarding, or hitting from behind. Also deliberately attempting to take out one or both of a player’s feet (slew footing) will be a major penalty. Major Stick penalties will be an automatic 10 game minimum suspension
Anyone throwing a punch at an opponent. will be assessed an automatic major and game ejection for fighting. Teams, not the refs, must pull their own player/s apart from fight.
Defination of a fight- Person throwing a punch ….or a person willing to throw a punch (if a player attempts or challenges a player to a fight but gets “loses the fight” without throwing a punch this is still considered a fight) If a player is “sucker punched” and made no attempt to initially fight, or fight after the sucker punch, that is NOT consider a fight
FIGHTING- ZERO TOLERANCE- First fight- 5 game suspension. Second fight (within 5 years
Of first fight)- 20 game suspension- which can carry over to following season. Third fight- lifetime ban from the league- NO APPEALS. Instigating a fight may be an addition 8 game suspension
“Ragging The Puck”- There is a “zone” behind the net that extends 7 feet on either side of the net (it is and extension of the “key” right to the back boards) If a defending player is in the “zone” uncontested the player has 10 seconds to move the puck a minimum of 5 feet OUT of the “zone” Uncontested means no opponent comes within the 5 foot barrier of the “zone”
Effect- No warnings now- delay of game penalties will be assessed
If Player IS contested- opponent comes within 5 feet of Zone, the 10 second count is stopped. It may be restarted at zero if opponent backs away from the 5 foot barrier of the zone.
Please remember- the “zone”
is painted in the ice but the 5 foot barrier in NOT so it is a judgement call
by the refs as to vacating to entering that barrier, so please respect their
The “ragging the puck” will be in effect at all times in the game, reguardless of score, time remaining or if a team is on a power play or shorthanded
Altered Footwear
Nothing can be sprayed on the bottom of your shoes (ex. WD 40) or tacks, staples, etc inserted into footwear. Referees or any league officials are entitled to check any player’s shoes, bench-area, or dressing room, before, during, or after a game. Possession of substances will consider you guilty as well. Any team caught with altered footwear or in possession or substances for the use of altering will be suspended as a team for 2 games and subject to loss of points, for first offence, and remainder and the season for second offence. We may do random checks at any time.
Key Violations
Any player that goes into the opposing team's key for more than 3 seconds while the puck is not in the key area (and puck is in the offending team’s side of centre ice) will be assessed a key violation. Being “in the key” includes any body part touching the ice or “breaking the plane with feet in the air” on or inside the key line. Sticks are not included and may be inside the key line.
Our keys are bigger than other leagues (20’ x 20’) so we are allowing sticks to be inside as this makes it much easier for the referees to call. Possession of the puck is required. Possession of the puck includes when team is passing puck around (tape to tape). REMEMBER: Possession does NOT include players battling for puck or players chasing a puck
If a player is scrambling to get out of the key and is almost out as Key 3 is about to be called, the ref can give the benefit of doubt to the player and keep the play going
Result of Key Violation will be a face-off at offending teams blue line.
No icing in the last five minutes of the second half by leading team if leading by 4 or less goals (unless shorthanded due to penalty) First icing is a face-off in offending teams zone, second icing- offending team will be assessed a delay of game penalty. The clock will now be stopped when first icing occurs. There will be no icing infractions called during any other part of the game.
There will be no offside or two line pass infractions called.
Passing the puck to a teammate with an open hand is illegal unless it is inside the the defensive zone. The play is whistled dead, with a face-off at the closest face-off circle. Closing hand on puck (in referee’s judgement) to pass puck to yourself or another player is whistle down with a faceoff at the closest faceoff circle.
Goaltender cannot intentionally handle or play the puck over centre ice. Teams may "pull" goaltender on delayed penalty or only in the last 5 minutes of the game in an effort to score goals. When goaltender is pulled no player on the team with the extra attacker can cover the puck in his or her own crease or a goal is awarded. In Co-ed the extra attacker may be male or female.
CO-ED LEAGUE is 3 men, 2 women plus a goaltender (male or female) on ice. (You may play with 2 males, 3 female or 4 females & 1 male.) You must always have 2 females on the ice (unless you are playing short)! If a female is penalized, she must serve penalty, but team must play short a male for duration of penalty. MALE player must serve any penalties by goaltender.
Revised in 2024-25- No slapshots, slap passes or fake slap shots allowed by male players in co-ed games only. They may draw their sticks back as far as their knees for a “snap shot”. First offence per team per game- warning, and face off in offending team’s zone. All other offences- minor penalty.
The Final Rule- Have Fun and Play Safe!