Kildonan Spongee League

The World's Largest Sponge Hockey League

  CALL 654-2255 (654-BALL)


No games scheduled



We can still squeeze a few more teams in

^^ Please look up ^^ for to see if games are on today ^^






All registrations will now be done online


League Fees….


There is a new board of directors and there is a new President at Melrose as their amazing President of around 40 years Susan has retired


We are meeting with them at a Board Meeting on October 12th to discuss details on the upcoming season, including rink rental rates which affect League Fees




We will have the Total Leagues announced after the Board Meeting


Last season Entry fee was $1000.00 per team plus ref fees but expect a slight increase


Teams paid in full by December 13th will get a $50.00 discount




Please email us to request a team application if needed


Please email completed application to



You can now etransfer League fees to


Please put team name in message to sender


No password needed



This is our 25th season




All Skill Levels offered


Please see “Rules” page for rules, all important dates, costs and payment plans


For more info or to enter a team please email us



Teams are responsible for paying referees before the start of each game (cash only for refs please).


Coed, Men’s and Women’s teams pay $15.00 each team.


Budget for a minimum of 17 games and maximum of 22 games (depending on how far you go in the playoffs)





Please see “Rules” page for rules, all important dates, costs and payment plans


You can now etransfer League fees to


Please put team name in message to sender


No password needed


Women’s - all games on Sundays but will offer some Friday night games for those interested (if enough interest)


Coed games teams have choice of playing Saturdays Only or Mondays and/or Wednesdays


Men’s have choice of playing Saturday, Sunday, Tuesdays or Thursdays. NO men’s divisions are offered on Mondays or Wednesdays


Christmas Holidays…no games ONLY on these days..…

Tuesday, December 24

Wednesday, December 25

Thursday, December 26

Tuesday, December 31

Wednesday, January 1


Teams that normally play on these days be prepared to play on your off nights during that 2 week span





The playoff weekends for 2024-2025 season will be as follows:


February 7th – 9th for Mens & Womens, as teams will be playing Friday, Saturday & Sunday the first weekend and Men’s teams advancing to second weekend of February 14th- 16th  on Sunday February 16th   after all coed games are done


Coed playoffs and Men’s finals will be February 14th- 16th with the snow out date of February 21st- 23rd 


Coed can be pushed back to that weekend if all Men’s and Women’s games can’t be completed on February 7th- 9th   Please keep these ENTIRE weekends available, as teams will be playing Friday, Saturday & Sunday













We have found lots of empties from beer cans and coolers in dressing rooms and players boxes


The League and the Community Centers have ZERO tolerance to this!!


Any player and/or Team caught consuming alcohol, leaving empties behind, using marijuana or any illegal drugs will be SUSPENDED for the rest of the season.


This includes in club house, on rinks, in players boxes, on grounds or parking lots


NO WARNINGS- NO APPEALS and no Registration fees will be refunded


The Community Centers are kind enough to rent out League their rinks so YOU can play Sponge Hockey. Community Centers are for members of the community, and more importantly children, who WILL NOT be exposed to such actions from our League


Without these community centers, there is no League, and at this point, some clubs may take away our rinks, so PLEASE respect our Rules and policies


It is up to you to let your team mates know, and patrol your team because if you don’t, it may be YOUR team mate that ruins it for YOU!!!






























For more League info please email us









PLEASE REMEMBER to have all team members call 204- 654-2255 and/or check our web site on game day to make sure all games are on with no delays- NO MATTER HOW NICE IT IS OUTSIDE!


(Equipment can break down at anytime at the clubs causing scheduling problems)











MEMO on Sportsmanship, penalties, game ejections & suspensions


Complete list of all rules are on our “RULES” page


There has been again some confusion and miscommunication with refs, players and League officials on some of the below and the League takes 100% responsibility for this but moving forward it will be more clear for everyone for the safety and well being for all involved to make the of game of Sponge Hockey Fun



PLEASE NOTE- it is up to all players and captains to let all ALL players aware of all rules.


The refs have full authority to call a game AT ANY TIME if he feels it is about to get out of hand



If a player is kicked out of a game they are AUTOMATICALLY suspended for minimum 1 game (one game that the team plays) so if a player is kicked out let them know NOT to play the next game. Teams must give players first AND last names to the Ref immediately…failure to do so will result in forfeiting the game and team being suspended from further play until issue is resolved



Any team that has a suspended player on the bench or plays will forfeit the game and the player will still be suspended


It is up to all teams to check suspension page on the web site daily


SELF POLICING- if you have a “bad apple” or two on your team, you SURELY must know who they are. If you see a player on your team getting out of hand, please settle the player down or ask them to leave. We suggest having “team” penalties or fines in place for team mates getting out of hand. If teams control their “bad apples” is will go a long way in making for a fun, clean game


Although probably 95% of the players in our League show good sportsmanship, there are a few “bad apples” that make games less pleasant (with verbal abuse or “dirty play”) for other players as well as officials.


Reffing Spongee can be very hard, especially if the players are playing “dirty” or verbally abusive. The refs are doing their best out there but some players make it VERY difficult for them.  The League supports our officials and their decisions 100%.


Refs have been instructed to call EVERYTHING. No one is wearing full equipment so it can be very dangerous on the ice. Even the slightest “hack” on the shins can hurt, which may lead to retaliation.  Please tell your players to play clean and this will make games a lot more smooth and enjoyable for all.


Verbal abuse toward other players and Officials WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

The League reserves the right to suspend any player or team that we feel is detrimental to the game of Sponge Hockey due to verbal abuse of League officials or opposing players or for excessive rough play. If we suspend a team the will be taken off the schedule for the remainder of the season and a pro-rated refund of League fees MAY be applied.


Most players are excellent so we do not want to ruin the fun of the game with few “bad apples”. Refs are now instructed to crack down on the verbal abuse, which many times leads to chippy play.


We will have zero tolerance to any player uttering threats. If the ref hears a player threaten violence or challenge a player to a fight, they will be assessed a 3 minute penalty and an automatic GAME EJECTION. Refs have full authority to give game ejections to players on both teams if they appear to be “chirping” too much in a negative way or are getting too physical. Players can be written up are any altercations (with other players or officials) that happen ANYWHERE on the premises of any facility that hosts our league (this includes parking lots, lobby or dressing rooms) Once the game is over please “leave it on the rink”



Game Ejections- Player/s involved have 3 minutes to leave the rink area after leaving the ice. First the visiting team's player/s will be escorted off the ice to they can get their personal belongings from their bench, if necessary, then once they leave the rink area.  The home team's player/s will do the same. Remember, the game clock is still running, so the quicker you have your players leave, the less it will cut into your playing time. The ref may add a delay of game penalty or CALL THE GAME after 3 minutes if they feel the player is intentionally taking too much time to leave the rink area. Any player/s not abiding by these procedures will face possible lifetime ban from league and community centre, and/or criminal charges if the situation warrants


Suspensions- First game ejection- AUTOMATIC minimum 1 game suspension- Second game ejection- same season- minimum 3 game suspension- Third game ejection- same season- minimum 5 game suspension- NO APPEALS


Any player suspended from one team (that does, or wants to play on another team) cannot play on any other team in the league while suspension is on. The league will contact team captain with severity of the suspension. Any player suspended may be banned from community center premises, including parking lot, 1/2 hour before, during, and 1/2 hour after all league events while suspended. The league will provide suspended player with all dates and times of league functions upon request


Any player threatening a ref or challenging a ref to fight will be suspended indefinitely

3 Penalties by a player in a game is an automatic game misconduct (not ejection which warrants suspension)






Anyone throwing a punch at an opponent. will be assessed an automatic major and game ejection  for fighting. Teams, not the refs, must pull their own player/s apart from fight.


Defination of a fight- Person throwing a punch ….or a person willing to throw a punch (if a player attempts or challenges a player to a fight but gets “loses the fight” without throwing a punch this is still considered a fight) If a player is “sucker punched” and made no attempt to initially fight, or fight after the sucker punch, that is NOT consider a fight


FIGHTING- ZERO TOLERANCE- First fight- 5 game suspension. Second fight (within 5 years

Of first fight)- 20 game suspension- which can carry over to following season. Third fight- lifetime ban from the league- NO APPEALS. Instigating a fight may be an additional 8 game suspension



SELF POLICING- if you have a “bad apple” or two on your team, you SURELY must know who they are. If you see a player on your team getting out of hand, please settle the player down or ask them to leave. We suggest having “team” penalties or fines in place for team mates getting out of hand. If teams control their “bad apples” is will go a long way in making for a fun, clean game









Etransfers also now accepted for League fees


You can etransfer to

Password: spongee


Please put your team name in “message to recipient”



We are compiling a spare goalie list to email to all team contacts


All goalies interested in sparing please email us at


Please include in your email:

-Full name

-phone number

-email address

-teams you already play full time with (if any)

-days available to spare




Please remember to bring ref fees each game $10 per game for Women’s…$11 per game for Coed & Mens…please try to rember to bring $10 bills or two $5 bills  (plus the loonie if needed) Please do not pay the refs with a handful of change…please plan ahead



Please remember all players must wear CSA approved Hockey Helmets with chin straps done up at all time


When filling out score cards please put first AND last names of only the players that played that game. One assist only per goal







Women’s games will now have a choice- all games on Sundays and if enough interest teams can also choose to play Mostly Sundays and some Fridays or Mostly Fridays and some Sundays. Any teams that choose Sundays ONLY will not be forced to play and Fridays except for makeup games (if any)


Coed games teams have choice of playing Saturdays Only or Mondays and/or Wednesdays


Men’s have choice of playing Saturday, Sunday, Tuesdays or Thursdays. NO men’s divisions are offered on Mondays or Wednesdays




To contact the League for any League issues please email us



Boston Pizza Regent is once again a proud Sponsor of the Kildonan Spongee League and The Kildonan Coed Softball League


Teams make sure to Head to Boston Pizza for Great Food (and bevies) and Great Team Deals


Appy Hour:


Sunday- Thursday 3:00- 6:00 PM  and 9 PM – close

*Snacks from $4.00

*Drinks from $4.00


In the event of excessive wind chill we will NOT EVER cancel games...we may shorten games to 17 minute halves or 15 minute halves for the safety of players, goalies and refs. If we shorten games you may go warm up in between games if you have 2 games that day.


Wind chills will be taken from readings the Winnipeg Forks NOT the Winnipeg Airport

The refs will let you know at game time the wind chill values if it a factor


-Wind Chill  is 32c to -38c-  ............refs will ask teams if they want to shorten game to 17 minute halves..if ONE team says is YES


-Wind Chill  is 39c to -41c...........automatic 17 minute halves


-Wind Chill  is -42 and higher........automatic 15 minute halves


Refs still be paid full fees (consider it "danger" pay)



Bundle up players...this is Winterpeg!






Please- NO smoking on any community center grounds, including on the rinks and or the benches. Please respect the Non Smokers as well as the City of Winnipeg bylaw






Some important info ……


- Please have all team mates call 204-654-2255 before they head to the rinks to make sure there are no cancellations or revisions, no matter how nice it is outside


-Please arrive early as games start ON time



-         Please bring scorecards and fill out with first and last names of only the players at the game. Record stats (only 1 assist per goal) Make sure your team name is on the card, hand to the ref at final whistle


-         Please bring Ref Money- Women’s is $10 per game, Coed and Men’s is $12 per game. Please do not pay in all coins!


- Rosters are due in by your 3rd week games. Hand in to Bobby J at the rinks or give to            

your ref











To contact the League please email us at




MEMO on Sportsmanship, penalties, game ejections & suspensions


There has been some confusion and miscommunication with refs, players and League officials on some of the below and the League takes 100% responsibility for this but moving forward it will be more clear for everyone for the safety and well being for all involved to make the of game of Sponge Hockey Fun


The refs also have full authority to call a game AT ANY TIME if he feels it is about to get out of hand


PLEASE NOTE- it is up to all players and captains to let all ALL players aware of all rules.


If a player is kicked out of a game they are AUTOMATICALLY suspended for minimum 1 game (one game that the team plays) so if a player is kicked out let them know NOT to play the next game


Any team that has a suspended player on the bench or plays will forfeit the game and the player will still be suspended


It is up to all teams to check suspension page on the web site daily


SELF POLICING- if you have a “bad apple” or two on your team, you SURELY must know who they are. If you see a player on your team getting out of hand, please settle the player down or ask them to leave. We suggest having “team” penalties or fines in place for team mates getting out of hand. If teams control their “bad apples” is will go a long way in making for a fun, clean game


Although probably 95% of the players in our League show good sportsmanship, there are a few “bad apples” that make games less pleasant (with verbal abuse or “dirty play”) for other players as well as officials.


Reffing Spongee can be very hard, especially if the players are playing “dirty” or verbally abusive. The refs are doing their best out there but some players make it VERY difficult for them.  The League supports our officials and their decisions 100%.


Refs have been instructed to call EVERYTHING. No one is wearing full equipment so it can be very dangerous on the ice. Even the slightest “hack” on the shins can hurt, which may lead to retaliation.  Please tell your players to play clean and this will make games a lot more smooth and enjoyable for all.


Verbal abuse toward other players and Officials WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

The League reserves the right to suspend any player or team that we feel is detrimental to the game of Sponge Hockey due to verbal abuse of League officials or opposing players or for excessive rough play. If we suspend a team the will be taken off the schedule for the remainder of the season and a pro-rated refund of League fees MAY be applied.


Most players are excellent so we do not want to ruin the fun of the game with few “bad apples”. Refs are now instructed to crack down on the verbal abuse, which many times leads to chippy play.


We will have zero tolerance to any player uttering threats. If the ref hears a player threaten violence or challenge a player to a fight, they will be assessed a 3 minute penalty and an automatic GAME EJECTION. Refs have full authority to give game ejections to players on both teams if they appear to be “chirping” too much in a negative way or are getting too physical. Players can be written up are any altercations (with other players or officials) that happen ANYWHERE on the premises of any facility that hosts our league (this includes parking lots, lobby or dressing rooms) Once the game is over please “leave it on the rink”



Game Ejections- Player/s involved have 3 minutes to leave the rink area after leaving the ice. First the visiting team's player/s will be escorted off the ice to they can get their personal belongings from their bench, if necessary, then once they leave the rink area.  The home team's player/s will do the same. Remember, the game clock is still running, so the quicker you have your players leave, the less it will cut into your playing time. The ref may add a delay of game penalty or CALL THE GAME after 3 minites if they feel the player is intentionally taking too much time to leave the rink area. Any player/s not abiding by these procedures will face possible lifetime ban from league and community centre, and/or criminal charges if the situation warrants


Suspensions- First game ejection- AUTOMATIC minimum 1 game suspension- Second game ejection- same season- minimum 3 game suspension- Third game ejection- same season- minimum 5 game suspension- NO APPEALS





Any player suspended from one team (that does, or wants to play on another team) cannot play on any other team in the league while suspension is on. The league will contact team captain with severity of the suspension. Any player suspended may be banned from community center premises, including parking lot, 1/2 hour before, during, and 1/2 hour after all league events while suspended. The league will provide suspended player with all dates and times of league functions upon request


Any player threatening a ref or challenging a ref to fight will be suspended indefinitely


3 Penalties by a player in a game is an automatic game misconduct (not ejection which warrants suspension)



Penalties- All faceoffs when a penalty is called will go in the defensive zone of the team taking the penalty, except when there are coincidental penalties, then faceoff is at closest faceoff circle


Penalties-All basic hockey penalties as per the CAHA rulebook will apply, with the following exceptions:


Penalties- if a team scores during a “Delayed penalty” the penalized team WILL still take a penalty after the goal is scored




If a team is assessed 5 penalties in a game (including coincidental minors) Penalty shots will be awarded IN ADDITION to each penalty assessed (excluding coincidental penalties) from the 6th penalty on. Any player may take the penalty shot. After the penalty shot, whether a goal was scored or not, the face off will be in the offending teams zone and the penalty will then start at the drop of the puck.



Coincidental penalties- teams will play with the same number of players before penalties occurred Players serving coincidental will do so in their own player’s boxes.


All minor penalties 3 minutes in duration from the drop of the puck after the penalty is called, with penalty being served in its entirety no matter how many goals opposing team scores. If the 3 minutes expires during a stoppage in play, the player can not return to the ice until the drop of the puck.


Minor penalties- tripping, hooking, interference, unsportmanlike conduct, minor slashing, minor cross-checking, minor roughing, minor body contact, intentionally moving your net to stop a scoring chance or instigating rough play


Delay of game-this includes shooting the puck directly over the fencing or over (not in) the player's box (intentionally or not) anywhere between the defensive zone face-off circles. Any rinks with no fencing around boards, there is no penalty for unintentionally shooting puck over boards only. Intentionally knocking net out of position is a penalty and a goal may be awarded if referee feels intentionally moving the net prevented a goal (then no penalty is called only a goal is awarded)


High sticking- each team allowed one warning, then if player's stick comes in contact with the puck over the height of the crossbar, or player swings or carries stick recklessly (including attempting to knock down a puck higher than the crossbar with your stick and no contact is made) a minor penalty is called.


GRABBING THE JERSEY- 3 minute minor penalty

 Anyone caught grabbing an opponent’s jersey/jacket even for the slightest moment will be assessed a 3-minute minor penalty


There is absolutely no reason to grab an opponent’s jersey/jacket as this is done to usually to throw a player slightly off balance without drawing a penalty. Well now it will be a penalty


Diving- any player that leaves their feet deliberately (in referee’s judgement), and in an attempt to play the puck, whether offending player has contact with the puck or not, and trips opposing player. He/she will be assessed a minor penalty if referee feels it was accidental, and a major penalty if deliberate. A player may dive to block passes & shots if no one is tripped. If someone falls down accidentally (in refs judgement) and someone falls over them, this is NOT a penalty


Major Penalties- are 6 minutes in duration with from drop of the puck after penalty is called, with penalty being served in its entirety no matter how many goals are scored. Players receiving major penalties will automatically be ejected from game and suspended (see suspensions) a player on the ice at the time of penalty must serve penalty. Exception- coincidental penalties- the players are ejected and no one has to serve the penalties. Anyone ejected from a game has 2 minutes to leave rink area or face the possibility of a lifetime ban from the league a team defaulting the game.


Major Penalties can be given out for excessive slashing, crosschecking, roughing, body contact, boarding, or hitting from behind. Also deliberately attempting to take out one or both of a player’s feet (slew footing) will be a major penalty. Major Stick penalties will be an automatic 10 game minimum suspension





Anyone throwing a punch at an opponent. will be assessed an automatic major and game ejection  for fighting. Teams, not the refs, must pull their own player/s apart from fight.


Defination of a fight- Person throwing a punch ….or a person willing to throw a punch (if a player attempts or challenges a player to a fight but gets “loses the fight” without throwing a punch this is still considered a fight) If a player is “sucker punched” and made no attempt to initially fight, or fight after the sucker punch, that is NOT consider a fight


FIGHTING- ZERO TOLERANCE- First fight- 5 game suspension. Second fight (within 5 years

Of first fight)- 20 game suspension- which can carry over to following season. Third fight- lifetime ban from the league- NO APPEALS. Instigating a fight may be an addition 8 game suspension











Before the game refs will get  team captains together to introduce yourselves. (Similar to a “ground rules” meeting before a game of slopitch.  Team captains will be who talks to the ref about concerns throughout a game and vice versa.


In women’s, they will all meet again at half time to discuss any concerns


SELF POLICING- if you have a “bad apple” or two on your team, you SURELY must know who they are. If you see a player on your team getting out of hand, please settle the player down or ask them to leave. We suggest having “team” penalties or fines in place for team mates getting out of hand. If teams control their “bad apples” is will go a long way in making for a fun, clean game


Women’s teams can only make line changes on the fly or on goals, penalties, or at the half. We have been playing that way in Men’s and Coed for many years and will be enforcing this in Women’s starting this season


Women’s teams will now play a “balanced” schedule with no divisions set until playoffs. We are trying this based on a majority vote for 1 season and vote on it again next season






Scorecards- Please make sure First AND Last names are on the cards and clearly written. Only have players on the card that are at the game. Ref will count players and if too many players are listed on the score card, all stats and credit for games played will not be counted for that game





 To contact the League please email us at



Got Facebook?

Join the Kildonan Spongee League Group


MEMO Regarding Winnipeg Jets home games:


We have already been getting requests to reschedule games so players can attend Jets games

Unfortunately, we can NOT reschedule games.


If your players decide to miss spongee to go to a Jets game and you can not ice a team you WILL have to forfeit.


If you Forfeit 24 hours in advance you will not be charged ref fees


The following are reasons why………


A- Lack of rinks available (we have 123 teams to schedule for)

B- Lack of time to make up games

C- You and/or you opponents picked that day to play games and not alternate days (unless weather dictates a cancellation)

D- Rinks are booked and rented to the League, rescheduling would mean paying rent twice for the same game/s (not in budget)

E- Jets home games every season will always put conflicts in schedule and we can not work around them


Let your players know this. They must decide if they are playing spongee or going to the Jets game/s.





Please make sure you buy the correct sponge pucks. Some places are selling the sponge pucks that are too light and too soft














Players must wear their helmets (with chin strap done up) or that CAN’T PLAY!!!


Let your team mates know this!!

(Visors and cages are NOT mandatory, but are recommended)




Equipment- all players must now wear CSA approved hockey helmets. Goaltenders must wear CSA approved hockey Goal Masks or hockey helmets.


It is NOT up to the refs to check helmets before players step on the ice. If a player is on the ice, once the game starts, without a LEGAL helmet, whether the play is going on or not, and is noticed by the ref, the player will be assessed a 3 minute minor penalty and will not be able to play until he/she puts on a proper helmet. 





You may contact the League at






Please check on a regular basis. If you see a suspended player playing while under suspension, please notify the League immediately








When Community Center staff is cleaning rinks, please stay off the ice until the staff and their equipment is right off the ice.


Staff will STOP cleaning the ice if players step on the ice before they are done. If they are flooding the rink in between your games, you may stay in your player’s box until the staff has left the rink.


Please vacate your dressing rooms with 15 minutes of game’s completion




KEY VIOLATION- Many players are really getting on the refs about the key rule. Please remember, the key is an important rule, but the refs PRIORITY is to watch the puck and watch for penalties. They will do their best to call the key. Players may be given unsportsmanlike penalties for verbally abusing refs on this matter (as well as any other matter)





PLEASE use garbage cans- The clubs will be supplying garbage can in player’s boxes and dressing rooms